full-bodied & elegant

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full-bodied & elegant
Absolute top wine from Erbaluna without added sulfur. Many wineries are mostly just decent, but simple wines that can be removed without added sulfur, Severino Oberto also succeeds in this really complex Rosso. Very distinct nose with slate character and truffles, velvety in the mouth and spicy, with impressive length and great structure. For wine lovers a must!

without additionally supplied sulfur

13,90 € *
18,53 € per 1 l
Available immediately
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full-bodied & elegant
Highly complex single-layer Barolo with all the attributes of a great Barolo: Tar and berry flavors with solid but velvety tannins. Everything is there for a long wine life.
45,90 € *
61,20 € per 1 l
Available immediately

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