Domaine Boucabeille / Wine Region Languedoc-Roussillon

The winery Boucabeille with about 25 of grapes on slate background and slopes of the hill Forca Real, near Perpignan.This winery owes its existence from an insane challengethese relationships have been created earlier centuries where the best wines of the region, the winemaker renewed with vines.Replanting was taken mid-seventies in attack. To date, 11 terraces of about a hundred yards long and twenty feet wide, the ü.d. 200 to 350 m M lie. Access roads that follow the contour lines separate, individual terraces each other. The plots, in south-east direction applied, benefit from the Mediterranean climate and are protected from the scorching sun. Significant shale deposits from the Paleozoic (before 400/500 million years ago) formed on the territory the basis of the vineyard and give it the distinctive flavor. On these slopes over 30 years now, the vines thrive admirably. Their roots run deep in the arid and arid soils with good ventilation, and they get out of the wet slate columns necessarymineral substances for their growth. In the nineties, here about 20 hectares of forest have been replanted with the most common Mediterranean tree species, such as pine and oak trees, and nearly a hundred bees care for the preservation of a species-rich flora. On a heavy management of up to 40 years old vines is unthinkable. Here is gewirtschaftet purely organic and there are, in the truest sense of the word fine, pure winery wines crafted.

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Wine Region France / Languedoc-Roussillon / Domaine Boucabeille

strong & full-bodied

Mineral and precise; From the slate. Unsulphured, not watered, almost without interfering with the wine becoming. 100% Grenache blanc, unadulterated, direct & delicious. Appears with feel and mouthfeel, not with fruit. Charming, aromatic, spicy. Vinified in a wooden barrel. At table almost universally applicable.

Internationaler Bioweinpreis 2021"Gold"


21,30 € *
28,40 € per 1 l
Available immediately

Wine Region France / Languedoc-Roussillon / Domaine Boucabeille

strong & full-bodied

Very elegant blend of old Grenache and Carignan vines. Neither in the vineyard nor in the cellar treated in any way, unsulphured, pure natural wine. Fine Beerenaromatik, fresh, impetuous, not at all "difficult". At table almost universally applicable

Internationaler Bioweinpreis 2021"Gold"


19,50 € *
26,00 € per 1 l
Available immediately

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